Interested Ladies of
Lambda Theta Alpha
Latin Sorority, Incorporated

Facebook page for interested ladies!!/group.php?gid=50577930355

What the Interest Group Does
The Interest Group allows its members the experience of running an undergraduate chapter. To ensure this experience Interested Ladies plan socials, fundraisers, community service, and attend educational events.

Becoming an Interested Lady
You can attend an Informational to obtain further information on becoming an Interested Lady, attend an Interest Group meeting, or contact our Chapter Orientation Advisor/Sisters at Texas Tech.

What's the "RUSH"?

Lambda Theta Alpha does not rush. The "Interested Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha" was established as an interest group. We, the Lambda Ladies, take great pride in the Interest Group and devote much time to its success and orientation.

The main goals of the Interest Group are to establish working and social relationships with the sisters and with the other Interested Ladies. Interested Ladies obtain a grasp on running a chapter through fundraising, community service and activism, and social events. Meanwhile she strengthens bonds among other Interested Ladies and Sisters.

The Interest Group allows Ladies to determine if Lambda Theta Alpha is the right fit for her. When an Interested Lady feels ready to move on, she may continue her path to become a Sister. 

Difference between  Interest Group and Rushing
As an Interest there is no time limit on your process. We do not want you to rush into something you know little about. The interest group gives you time to learn what WE are all about because LTA is not for everyone. Lambda Theta Alpha upholds the open door policy for its Interested Ladies. Interested Ladies may leave and enter the group for personal, financial, and academic reasons. The personal well being of our interests is priority which is why we firmly uphold the open door policy.